Now vs then – how communication has evolved

Child using tablet for communication

By Adele Abbiss, Online Safety Expert, Smoothwall The 90s – oh what a time to be alive. Great (or not so great) music, funky hairstyles, denim overalls, the beloved Tamagotchi and who can forget the Spice Girls. When meeting up with your friends at the local park was arranged… using the house phone! Or if you were lucky it may have been via MSN – but that was often shared between your household members! Slower internet speeds and fewer devices per person meant online communication was often just a method to send the occasional email and browsing to find out information. Consumption of huge amounts of content Fast forward two decades and technology has come on leaps and bounds. Not only do we have incredibly quick internet speeds; it’s now wireless! Today it’s possible to consume huge amounts of content whenever and wherever. The way people communicate, especially the younger generation, has completely changed, but is it for the good or bad?  The internet is now very easily accessible and not just on a computer fixed in one place. It can be accessed almost anywhere on our mobiles, tablets, and laptops. Less than 20% of households had access to the internet in the 90’s. But if so, it would often be on a shared device – something I think most would be unhappy about in this day and age! The latest figures on internet usage shows 90% of British household’s today have internet access and nearly all households with children had an internet connection in 2017 (98%). Communication has changed massively from when I was younger. For children growing up today, this change plays a huge part in their lives. No off-switch As we all know, using technology to communicate every day is now the norm amongst adults and children. The vast amount of communication methods and social media platforms – extremely popular amongst children and teens – means we’re always online. It’s no longer like MSN – you don’t really sign in and out of social media accounts and certainly not text messages. Notifications on mobile devices, means we’re often reminded of the connection we have with the online world. There is no ’off-switch’. Sadly, this can pose a risk to anyone, and in particular, children. Kids have access to a wide variety of communication platforms. Many will often be perceived as social and fun. However, there can also be a darker side to these platforms. Inappropriate and excessive use can threaten a child’s well-being, and now the government wants for social media companies to put restrictions in place. Matt Hancock, Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport, recently urged schools to confiscate pupil’s mobile phones at the start of the day – not just because they can be a distraction, but due to the potential exposure to cyber-bullying. Whether it’s an addiction from excessive use, threats from cyber bullies or online grooming, we need to work together to educate children about the potential dangers and provide the tools they need to stay protected.  We must all make an effort The growth in communication methods means a vast amount of content is available at any given time. Therefore, preparing the future generation to safely and appropriately use this technology, must be top of the agenda. Tighter regulations on social media and tech companies are vital if we’re to confront the matter. But it must still be a collaborative effort! The government, educational institutions, parents, social media and tech companies, need to join forces and support one another. You may have seen the many demands for social media and tech companies to make a stand.WhatsApp made a bold move by increasing their age limit to 16, while Apple made it easier for us to regulate the time spent on apps. These changes are certainly a step in the right direction.  The recent call for the government to implement steps by putting pressure on social media companies is great. However, it still highlights the urge that we must all do our best to monitor children’s online behaviour, to keep them safe. The communication methods of today can be interactive, engaging and fun. Although, when used in the wrong way, it can damage an individual’s emotional and physical wellbeing. It’s clear that as the way we communicate advances, so must the protective measures.  

Leading online safety experts Smoothwall join forces with VESPA Mindset and Warwickshire County Council at BETT 2019

Smoothwall join forces with VESPA Mindset and Warwickshire County Council at BETT 2019

This week at BETT, leading online safeguarding solutions provider Smoothwall, will be joining forces with VESPA Mindset and Warwickshire County Council to provide expert advice on internet safety and mental wellbeing within an academic environment.  For those unfamiliar with BETT, it’s the UK’s leading education technology show attended by over 34,500 educators and decision makers from all around the world. Taking place at ExCeL London from 23rd to 26th January 2019, those attending can expect to see the latest and most innovative information technology set to inspire the future of education. At the Smoothwall stand on Thursday 24th January, Steve Oakes, at VESPA Mindset will be hosting two sessions looking at how active monitoring can impact academic attainment. Steve will discuss how technology can help in recognising and developing mental wellbeing needs to improve examination results.  Advanced monitoring technology means that schools aren’t having to physically monitor pupils’ online activity as any risks are picked up and alerted via the solution. This frees up teacher’s time and resources so they can concentrate on pupils academic learning and in turn promote a positive learning environment and higher standard of academic achievement.Smart monitoring solutions will become increasingly important when you take into account Ofsted will now focus on promoting a positive learning environment. This new behaviour judgement will assess whether schools are creating a calm, well-managed environment free from bullying, which monitoring solutions can identify. Those attending BETT will also be able to find out about how to run effective safeguarding across a school cluster. On Friday 25thJanuary, Steve Holley, Systems Engineer at Warwickshire County Council will look at the work they are doing with the safeguarding provider to improve its safeguarding capabilities. WCC currently manage IT systems for schools within the Warwickshire area, monitoring 45,000 staff and pupils across Primary and Secondary schools. To learn about and interact with its market-leading filtering and monitoring solutions, visit Smoothwall on stand D250. Here you can discover its brand-new monitoring solution RADAR and how it can detect children at risk of mental health concerns or cyberbullying, and hear exclusively what new product innovations Smoothwall has in store for 2019.