Access control systems – making students safe

Access control systems – a worried student

Students preparing to move into university accommodation will no doubt worry for their safety – or at least their parents and teachers will – and news circulating the internet has given them good reason to. A video that went viral last year recorded students at Nottingham Trent University chanting racist comments in front of the door of another student in their university accommodation (halls). Rufaro Chisango shared her short video to Twitter, which instantly caught the attention of users across the planet. Thankfully, with the advancements in technology and the implementation of access control systems in university halls, Rufaro was physically safe from any threat. But now, expectations must be higher to ensure that this type of behaviour, or risk, does not happen again. What are access control systems and are they necessary in 2019? When it comes to implementing access control systems on a site, there are two main functionalities used. The first has a more basic yet effective approach and has the ability to enable or prevent someone from entering or exiting a location — this could range from the whole site, a wing of a building, or a singular room that needs protecting from unauthorised personnel.    When looking at the second option, this allows security managers to track any movement around a specific location — which can be beneficial when it comes to audits and discovering how compliant users are with the systems.  It can also detect any areas where improvements could be necessary. For people to gain access to a locked-down area, they must have valid credentials; this is no different for university campuses. The purpose of having such security measures in place is to help protect students from unauthorised access, which could potentially threaten their wellbeing or put their possessions at risk. No student should feel unsafe in their own home but it was found that 52% of students have noisy housemates, 37% of housemates steal food, 8% live in dangerous living conditions and 6% have experienced a break-in or a burglary.  With data from a survey carried out by Save The Student suggesting that the average cost of renting is £131 per week, students are left with little to live on after deducting the payment from their maintenance loan. Yet one in three people feel like their accommodation is not worth the cost. As a result, there is a demand for larger investments into deprived areas — accommodation providers are under pressure to make changes, or encounter detrimental damages that will impact them in the long-run. Implementing access control systems and why they are needed Access control systems have become an integral part of British university campuses, as well as accommodation facilities. Evidently, from the story above discussing the racist chants, it has become critical to ensure the safety and protection of young people as unsolicited actions can be carried out without any prior detection. To improve safety, providers are giving students greater choice on their flats; students can decide whether to be in a loud or quiet building, with non-mixed or mixed gender housemates and can even specify the age range of the people they’d like to live with.  Key benefits of access control systems: Opposed to regular keys which can be copied, key cards are unique and can be deactivated when lost or when a student leaves their accommodation contract. This removes the risk of any unauthorised entry and heightens the safety of the new tenant after the previous lease is up. Those trying to get into a locked-down area will need the required credentials, so if they have no card, they won’t gain entry. As they require the swipe of a unique key card for entry permissions which are given only to students, this will make it difficult for anyone other those who are enrolled as residents to enter. Security teams can properly manage each location in real time. Using access control systems and key cards, this can all be documented and easily accessed when needed. Cards can have customised permissions, for example, certain credentials may only be able to gain access between specific times of the day. This is particularly useful when it comes to accommodation employees such as cleaners, as their key cards can be matched with their shift patterns. Students, in particular, are avid users of smartphones and now, locked areas can be accessed through the use of such device as credentials are able to be stored safely; this is an extremely important new feature as smartphones are very rarely out of the hands of young people. You can’t put a price on safety, and university accommodation providers are now realising it by installing access control systems.  

LED lighting for schools – a bursar’s guide

LED lighting in a school sports hall

According to the Carbon Trust, getting lighting right is essential for both energy efficiency and the bank balance of a school, and as importantly for the wellbeing of its occupants.  In the third of this special series of lighting in education guides, Energys will explore how LED upgrades can create multiple financial opportunities. It can also improve site health and safety, maintenance, and deliver infrastructure gains for bursars. Many bursars know the basics; energy efficient LEDs save on bills and the environment. But, the right level and the best quality of light is crucial to alertness, accuracy and the overall enjoyment of those working and learning in schools too. And, LED retrofit technologies can minimise work on school estates, and hike up other gains on the ledger too. Energy and cost savings  Overall, The Carbon Trust says UK schools could reduce energy costs by around £44 million per year which would prevent 625,000 tonnes of CO2 from entering the atmosphere. Lighting, says the Trust, represents 20% of school’s energy costs, and 8% of their energy use. ‘Currently LED upgrades use at least 80% less electricity than an equivalent tungsten halogen source,’ it continues.  So, the energy and cost-saving potential for bursars and their schools is clear. Further, ‘A properly engineered LED light has a comparatively long life, typically in the order of 50,000 hours. This can reduce maintenance costs significantly depending on the light source they are replacing,’ the Trust reveals.  The Trust says making the business case for such low energy lighting is quite straightforward in terms of electricity saved vs investment required. Calculating the potential savings is based on identifying: a) The current lighting load (Watts or kiloWatts). b) The hours of use per annum. c) The new LED lighting load. d) The unit rate you pay for each kWh of electricity.  “It is important to establish this cost-benefit analysis in schools nationwide,” says Kevin Cox, Managing Director, Energys. “When that analysis is done, the financial pathway to energy efficient, cost-saving installation is clear.” Health and safety (H&S) In schools, H&S is key. Today’s bursar’s aren’t just financiers, they are operations managers too. LED retrofit technologies are advantageous from this viewpoint. For a start, LED bulbs are more durable than traditional bulbs, and they have fewer fragile parts.  Also, they are mercury free, compared with other bulbs which, if shattered during routine maintenance, require special care and removal, to say nothing of risk to operatives. Further, LED bulbs generate very little heat, so they can’t burn staff or children, and they make for a more comfortable teaching environment.  Together, it all adds up to lowered H&S risk, and lower H&S costs. “We are right up to the minute on H&S,” says Cox. “We will install to the highest H&S standards and beyond, adding to the overall, lifetime H&S benefits LED offers to school bursars.”  Funding options and capital expenditure For many bursars, even when the cash and environmental rationale stacks up, financing is still a key challenge.   “It is wise to consider financing arrangements to suit your needs and more importantly, ensure you are saving money from the outset,” says Cox. “There are many schemes out there, and it’s crucial to research this intelligently and pick the right one. “Energys, in partnership with Utility Rentals and Smart Eco Energy, offers a financing scheme tailored to the needs of schools and colleges.” Such an approach is likely winto  favour with boards of governors, tasked with myriad, competing demands for financing. And, you can also use your LED financing plan as evidence of the school’s cash-savvy, energy-intelligent approach in marketing materials and branding. Furthermore, LED lighting can even be included in schools’ lessons plans on sustainability, increasingly a key part of the curriculum. In so doing, another dual benefit arises, with further financial gains and teaching benefits.  The shift to LED lighting Energys has a number of case studies on LED upgrades for schools and colleges available. These will help you learn more, and consider the best way to embed sustainable, futurist and beneficial lights in your environment.