NewVIc students achieve stand out results!

NewVIc students with their stand out results!

Students and staff celebrate a fantastic year of results seeing an increase in the number of students achieving A*- B A Level grades with the largest number of A*- A grades in A Level Biology, Chemistry and Maths.  In Level 3 extended diplomas, students also achieved fantastic results with more than 50% of students achieving a Triple Distinction – equivalent to 3 A grade A Levels. Other stand out A Level subjects included Computer Science, French, Further Maths and Spanish, where 100% of students achieved A* – C grades. Students studying A Level Biology, Chemistry, Economics, Fine Art, History and Spanish also excelled with more than 70% of students achieving A* – C grades. The overall pass rate for A Levels remains high at 97.3%, with a total of 19 A Level courses achieving 100% pass rate. Results for subsidiary diploma courses, taken by some A Level students, were excellent with 45% of students achieving a Distinction *.  Business Studies students did particularly well with over 90% of students achieving the very highest grade of Distinction *. Stand out Level 3 extended diplomas include Computer Science and Health and Social Care, with over 70% of students achieving a Triple Distinction or better. With Science and Maths A Level courses being the most sought after and popular courses at NewVIc, the number of high grades achieved in these subjects is excellent news for the college as it reflects the quality of teaching and expertise in this area.  Overall results for STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) including Computer Science are consistently impressive and have seen a greater number of girls excelling in these subjects each year. Over the years NewVIc has helped many thousands of local young people achieve their goals.  Building students’ confidence by helping them to realise their ambitions and progress beyond their targets is a key priority for the college. With the majority of our students coming from socially and economically deprived backgrounds, NewVIc is integral in providing social mobility and economic development within the borough. NewVIc Governor and Newham Councillor Julianne Marriott said: “Being at NewVIc today and seeing all the talented students, it just proves that it doesn’t matter where you come from and whether you study BTECs or A Levels, NewVIc gives so many of our young people the chance to succeed and achieve whatever they want to.” Vice Principal Ray Ferris said: “I am so proud of the results our students have achieved today.  The improvement in the number of high grades and individual progression of students is fantastic and demonstrates the excellence which can be achieved within a comprehensive college where everyone is welcome.  I’d like to congratulate the class of 2019 for all their hard work and thank our dedicated staff who have supported each and every one of our students.” Stand out results: More students achieving A*- B grades The largest number of A* and A grades were achieved in Biology, Chemistry and Maths 100% A* – C in Computer Science, French, Further Maths, Spanish 70%+ A* – C in Biology, Chemistry, Economics, Fine Art, History, Maths 100% pass rates in 19 A Level subjects More than 50% of students achieving Triple Distinction and higher 70% of students achieved Triple Distinction in Health and Social Care 70% of students achieved Triple Distinction* in Computer Science 45% of students achieved Distinction* in Subsidiary Diplomas  

Vlogstar Challenge comes to NewVIc!

Vlogstar Challenge comes to NewVIc

“To date, more than 4,500 young people from across London and Essex have been trained on how to create, shoot and edit vlogs!” This week NewVIc Performing Arts students have been working on a social media project with facilitator and former Rising Star Vlogstar Challenge winner Justyn Hollett, exploring how to shoot, edit and produce their own vlogs. This unique training and competition is run by the Jack Petchey Foundation and Media Trust. The Vlogstar Challenge is also working in partnership with YouTube and the Evening Standard. The Vlogstar Challenge seeks to inspire and establish a new generation of media influencers from across London and Essex. Now in its fourth year, this unique training initiative and competition gives 16-25 year olds the relevant technical and creative skills they need to create their own vlogs, develop their voice and share their passions with new audiences. As well as learning the technical skills needed to produce impactful content, NewVIc students were also given the opportunity to discover and articulate what is important to them, in an engaging and positive way that gets noticed. In the workshop students showcased the vlogs they produced in small groups to Justyn and other NewVIc staff and got feedback on their productions. All of the students that have taken part in the workshop will be invited to submit their best vlogs to the 2019 Vlogstar Challenge. Students watched Justyn’s winning vlog from 2016 titled ‘I am bravescar’,about his personal journey of suffering from third degree burns and scarring. Student vlogger Devayne added:  “I really enjoyed today’s sessions and the ideas and stories shared by Justyn. I was really inspired with his vlog and his journey and have taken on board all the feedback given on our productions. We learnt all about the key aspects of creating vlogs, from framing and recording to what is best trending.  I liked the challenge Justyn set us, we had to come up with vlog ideas, shoot and edit with our mobile phones and present the vlog in a short space of time. I will definitely enter the Vlogstar Challenge 2019, watch this space!” Devayne Level 3 Performing and Production Arts and Music Technology Year 2 student “This is a great opportunity for young students to get involved in this competition and have a chance to become the next big vlogstar! We support their passions and creativity, help with learning new skills and develop young people’s voices across social media. It is so much fun, it will open doors and you can get so much out of this. I look forward to seeing NewVIc students and their productions in the competition and hopefully in the finals at YouTube and Google Head Quarters.” Justyn Hollett Facilitator and former Rising Star Vlogstar Challenge winner For more information about the college please contact: Shah Rahman 020 7540 0651

NewVIc achieves Ofsted outstanding

NewVIc achieves Ofsted outstanding

Newham Sixth Form College’s latest Ofsted inspection has praised the college for being outstanding in their provision for personal development, behaviour and welfare. Students were found to achieve excellent results at the college. The report highlighted that “the proportion of students who successfully achieved their qualifications was high” with many students achieving top grades. The report, published on the Ofsted website today (22 January 2019) confirms NewVIc as a diverse and collaborative community with excellent academic success, personal development and progression. Ofsted commented on how students “benefit significantly” from the specialist A Level Honours programme and how “students on vocational programmes make good progress”.  Many students we found to progress to university with an increasing number securing high level apprenticeships. NewVIc’s expert teaching was celebrated with teachers being described as “very enthusiastic” practitioners who “motivate students to have high aspirations and make good progress”.  Teachers’ dedication to students resulted in the majority of students meeting or exceeding their expected grades.  Inspectors were particularly impressed by the college’s focus on personalised support, unique opportunities, and tailored skills development.  The extensive programme of sports and other enrichment activities such as debating; sports clubs; women’s club and voluntary work was found to be extremely popular with many students participating. NewVIc principal and chief executive Mandeep Gill commented: “I’m delighted that Ofsted has recognised NewVIc’s outstanding contribution to education in the borough. As a college, we are very proud of our broad offer and the wide ranging achievements of students with different abilities and ambitions.  I am very much in favour of giving every student the opportunity to achieve on their terms. Our outstanding judgement reflects this.” Inspectors gave emphasis to how much students enjoy life at NewVIc and noted the college’s warm, happy and welcoming environment.  Inspectors described student behaviour as “courteous to each other and to staff” and commended the college for ensuring “that there is a culture of tolerance, respect and safety for all students.”  Inspectors also praised the college for the individual support and care given to students, including those requiring additional learning support and complex needs. Looking to the future, Mandeep Gill added: “NewVIc will continue its drive to meet the needs of all young people, giving each and every one a chance to create the future they want for themselves.   Whether that is a place at Oxford or Cambridge; an English or maths GCSE; an apprenticeship; or a first ever qualification, NewVIc will continue to offer the most inclusive, exciting and engaging post-16 education experience for all the young people in Newham.” Key strengths from the report: ●        Outstanding personal development ●        Outstanding support and welfare ●        High and increasing proportion of student achievement ●        High grades on vocational courses ●        Good outcomes for learners ●        Excellent access to work experience ●        Good teaching, learning and assessment ●        High-quality careers advice and guidance ●        Extensive programme of sports and enrichment ●        Strong student voice ●        Collaborative and inclusive ethos ●        Good leadership and management ●        Strong partnerships with employers and universities ●        High-quality facilities and resources Find out more about what NewVIc has to offer, visit our Open Day on 26 January 2019. NewVIc offers a wide range of A Level and vocational courses.  Prospectuses and more information are available by calling 020 7473 4110.   

NewVIc opens doors to support Newham students in succeeding at Oxford interviews

NewVIc supporting Newham students

This year, NewVIc has been announced as the Newham hub for all Year 13 students applying to the University of Oxford, Wadham College.  Wadham College are working closely with NewVIc to support students and other Newham students with their admissions process. Like NewVIc, Wadham College values the importance of diversity and believes that drawing its’ student body from a wider cultural and social base drives standards up, not down. Wadham College works closely with NewVIc to help bright students make competitive applications, regardless of their backgrounds and encourages students to apply. Scientist Catherine, from Oxford University, came to NewVIc earlier this month to run an insightful interview support session for students. Oxford University has developed a programme of ‘link colleges’ to simplify communication and workshops between UK schools and the University. This is part of their ongoing commitment to engage with schools across the country. The support sessions being delivered at NewVIc will break down why they interview applicants, what students can expect at their interviews, and how best they can prepare for them. The support programme delivered shared some Oxbridge interview tips with a former applicant who studied at Cambridge. This support programme will not only allow Oxford University to get to know schools and colleges in specific regions better, but also gives schools and colleges a more personal and direct way of staying in touch with the University. “I am applying to Oxford University to study History and Politics. I have my interview coming up soon, I’m so nervous and stressed.  Having said that I must’ve done well in my task and written contents as part of the applications. I’m really looking forward to this process, the support we’re getting from Wadham and seeing if I get accepted after interview!” Ameera Ismail Honours and A Level Year 2 Student  “The session today has been really good. The students have responded to all of the questions. They all have independent thoughts and clearly have passion to their subject areas.  We wish them all best of luck with their application and upcoming interviews. We hope to support them all in the process and wish them all the best of luck.” Catherine Seed Access Assistant – Wadham College For more information about this support programme or the college please contact: Shah Rahman 020 7540 0651