The Fire Safety Order

Fire safety alarm in school

The Fire Safety Order 2005 requires that all businesses, including schools and all other educational establishments, have an up-to-date fire risk assessment and that staff receive instruction in fire safety procedures. Legislation also requires that fire risk assessments are reviewed on a regular basis (recommended to be at least annually). It is critical that there is a suitable and sufficient set of procedures for staff to follow in the event of a fire emergency. Therefore, all staff must receive appropriate training in those procedures must be tested by carrying out regular fire evacuation drills. It is also strongly recommended that all staff should receive instruction in general fire safety awareness. Such training would enable staff to fully understand the fire hazards and risks in their respective areas and, therefore, hopefully help prevent a fire from occurring in the first place.  In many schools, there may also be a requirement for senior staff to be designated as Fire Marshals; to have particular responsibilities in the event of fire.  DB Fire Safety has vast experience in dealing with all kinds of educational establishments; specialising in carrying out fire risk assessments and providing training to staff. Our training courses can be provided on site or can be accessed via our variety of e-learning courses. These are modular and can be accessed remotely as time allows. From our offices in Peterborough, we cater for clients throughout England and Wales and offer a FREE 24hour consultancy service. For more information regarding fire risk assessments or staff training, call 0800 246 1945  OR Email Find out more