How to Encourage Pupils to Exercise at School.

As a nation we need to encourage our children to exercise more often. With 20% of children leaving primary school, and 25% of high school leavers classed as clinically obese, now is the time to act. Health experts have stated that the childhood obesity epidemic comes from the fact that children spend too much time in front of a screen, and not enough time outdoors engaging in physical activity. Obesity in childhood is not only detrimental to their healthnow, but if allowed to be carried on into adulthood it can cause life threatening diseases such as type two diabetes, certain types of cancer and cardiovascular disease. Therefore, in order to take a step in the right direction of tackling childhood obesity we must encourage more children to exercise whilst they are at school.  Children spend approximately six hours per day at school. The hours spent at school lie between eight and four, which especially in the winter months is the majority of the daylight hours. This means that it is paramount to a child’s health that they use their time at school to get their daily recommended amount of exercise.  Therefore, we have come up with a small list of ways in which children can get their exercise whilst at school, without disturbing the school curriculum.  Walking or Cycling to and From School.  The simple act of walking or cycling to and from school can increase a child’s health and fitness levels by a significant amount. Walking and cycling are both low impact exercises which can be enjoyed by all. Walking is also a very sociable form of exercise and can be made more fun for younger children with the introduction of walking games. Games such as ‘I Spy’ are not only fun but are also educational and can encourage independence. Allowing children to explore their surroundings will allow them to gain more from this simplistic exercise.   Though many working parents may not have enough time in the mornings to walk theiryoung children to school, there are plenty of options available which allow you to add this extra exercise into your child’s day. Many primary schools offer a ‘walking bus’ service. This service is run by adults that work at the school and children are picked up along a traditional bus route. This option not only allows for children to add more exercise into their day but it also encourages social interaction between other children in the school. Children who they may not necessarily normally interact with.   The Daily Mile.  Another great option available to children, which will increase the amount of exercise that they get throughout the school day, is the Daily Mile. The Daily Mile is a great initiative which encourages all pupils to run, walk or jog for one mile per day. This is a one size fits all activity which means that no matter the child’s age or ability, everyone can get involved.  This initiative was set up in 2013 in the UK to improve the fitness levels of children in our primary schools. The Daily Mile was set up as a fun, fitness activity which needs no specialist equipment. This means that every pupil from every school can get involved. This is a non-competitive form of exercise which comes with a whole host of health benefits. Not only does it boast to improve a child’s fitness in just four weeks, but it also is proven to boost confidence and have a positive effect on pupils’ behaviour, mood and concentration.  Active Outdoor Play.  Young children can often get enough exercise from engaging in active play. Engaging in playground games such as ‘tag’ or ‘chase’ can get pupils’ heart rates elevated which can help to improve a child’s cardiovascular fitness. It is recommended however, that children also use outdoor playground equipment as it encourages a full body workout. Just one hours’ worth of active play on play units or climbing frames during school lunch breaks or play times, will reduce your child’s risk of becoming overweight or obese by a significant amount.  Use of playground equipment not only aids in improving childhood fitness, and weight loss, it is also lots of fun too.  Encouraging children to exercise is not always easy, however by employing fun and innovative new techniques like exercising through play, helping children to get fit becomes easy.  Outdoor Gym Equipment. Another fun way to encourage children to exercise during school hours is to employ the use of an outdoor gym! Outdoor gyms were introduced to the UK in 2011 and have since become a fitness phenomenon. Outdoor gym equipment is not only great for working out and fitness, it is also so much fun too. Children’s Outdoor Fitness equipment is a great way to encourage children to stay fit. These smaller versions of adult gym equipment is suitable for use by children aged four to eleven and is a great way to introduce them to exercise.  Outdoor Gym Equipment can be placed at both primary and high schools and can be used during play times, as part of a PE lesson or even for use during after school fitness clubs. The equipment works in a similar way to indoor gym equipment, yet gives pupils a fun and safe way to stay fit and healthy without them even realising.  Not only is outdoor gym equipment for schools a fantastic way to encourage more pupils to improve their fitness at schools, it is also a great way to introduce pupils to a fit and healthy lifestyle. By introducing young children to equipment such as this, they are much more likely to carry on exercising in this way after they have finished school and long into adulthood, thus helping to put a stop to the UK’s obesity epidemic.  Encouraging children to exercise whilst at school is extremely beneficially to both their health and wellbeing. Children who are fitter and healthier are proven to perform better at school. Children who engage in regular exercise are also proven to have reduced stress,allowing them to concentrate better on classroom work and in tests.           

Engaging students in foreign language classrooms

Muriel Huet, Education Consultant and lead educator of ‘Short Film in Language Teaching’ on the FutureLearn platform, talks about how educators can keep students of all abilities engaged in language learning through the medium of film.   Motivating and engaging students in language lessons are challenges that educators face every day. How can we keep students engaged in their learning, when young people live in a world with such easy access to the media?    The challenge for language educators today The constant challenge faced by teachers is being able to accommodate the needs of a wide range of students’ abilities whilst maintaining a stimulating learning environment. Students work at different paces, have various learning needs and need to be challenged and supported. Having spoken with many educators around the world, teachers are feeling more and more concerned about their students’ behaviour; perhaps we should question why behaviour among students is changing. Societies are evolving as much as children are. We need to adapt to their new needs and not the contrary, and to do so, educators need to look for new ways of keeping students motivated and engaged. The development of existing media forms has helped teachers to overcome some of these challenges, with the internet providing reference to traditional textbook teaching methods.    Another difficulty that teachers face is stressing the importance of learning a language to students. Students need to realise that languages are crucial for them to live in the world of today. Using authentic material, such as short films, enables educators to help students access this world and make foreign languages real to them. By seeing the language used in real contexts, while learning about new cultures, students can see the importance of learning one.   The benefits of using short films I have been working with short films and cinema for many years, yet I am still discovering new teaching strategies and new ways of using them in my teaching. All our research projects with the BFI (British Film Institute), working with a variety of teachers, have confirmed that short films help students to gain enjoyment from language learning and develop confidence to express themselves in a foreign tongue, whilst learning more about culture. In doing so, these interactive teaching methods help to develop a more creative approach to learning with the ultimate aim of a wider interest in modern foreign languages within the classroom. Beyond language Recently, I have used the French short film ‘Quai de Seine’ from ‘Paris je t’aime’ with a Year 9 class. Through this short film, I have been able to introduce students to certain grammar and linguistic topics linked to the curriculum, but above all, I have introduced my students to another level of thinking. I have raised society issues, looked at multiculturalism in France, and introduced them to some French slang. By giving them the correct support, I was incredibly proud of how much my Year 9 students were able to say about the short film and link it to their own opinions. It demonstrates that motivation can make a huge difference. Students are so engaged that they don’t realise how challenging the exercise can be, and want to explore the language further in order to express some more complex ideas. As they were also exposed to young French people in Paris, they could more easily relate to them and see the importance of learning a language. Short films offer many possibilities when planning linguistic and cultural activities.   Innovation in teaching As language teachers, we can no longer separate the conventional disciplines of reading, writing, speaking and listening from what is offered through other media – including sound and visual literacy. Short films allow us to broaden the linguistic and cultural spectrum within each of these areas of study, allowing the students to be more creative and confident in the language they use, while achieving teaching objectives and learning outcomes.     The BFI and Into Film’s course: ‘Short Film in Language Teaching’ on the FutureLearn platform, will help teachers around the world to investigate, try out and discuss new and different approaches towards short films. Creativity and innovation in teaching has to evolve alongside societal trends, and short films have the incredible potential to keep promoting language teaching and engage students in their learning.    

Closing the gender gap in the classroom

Free online course explores the factors that support girls to reach their full potential   Social learning platform, FutureLearn, is today launching a free online course ‘Girls’ Education: Teaching Strategies That Develop Confidence, Resilience and Collaboration’, in partnership with the Girls’ Day School Trust (GDST). With gender inequality making headlines worldwide, the four-week course explores ways to support girls in the classroom in order to prepare them for their future lives and careers. The interactive tutorials guide participants through different aspects of pedagogy that develop and promote character traits such as independence, resilience, collaborative working, problem solving and confidence. Designed to help reach as many girls as possible, the course is aimed at those who shape the learning experience for girls in school: teachers, school leaders, school governors and parents. Cathy Walter, Assistant Director of Education at the Girls’ Day School Trust and lead educator of the course, said, “At the Girls’ Day School Trust, we are passionate about our role in preparing girls for life beyond the classroom. The ways we teach can have a profound and positive influence in girls’ self-belief, confidence and character.  As experts in girls’ education, we are excited to share all we’ve learnt and to reach as many girls as possible.” Simon Nelson, Chief Executive at FutureLearn, said: “Gender equality is widely discussed in today’s workforce, so it’s critical to address this issue as early as possible by opening up a dialogue in the classroom too. We’re thrilled that the Girls’ Day School Trust shares our ethos of helping everyone to fulfil their potential in a changing world. We hope this course will equip educators and those who influence classroom cultures with the skills to build confidence in girls.” The course will help participants to: Explore strategies that develop character in a way that supports academic success in school and professional success after school, such as a ‘Growth Mindset’ Identify practical in-school opportunities to develop confidence in girls for learning and later life, and consider the need to develop a cognitive vocabulary in girls Develop a rationale and criteria for effective collaborative learning to maximise effectiveness and engagement in girls’ learning Evaluate school-based strategies that can help girls build confidence and respond positively to learning challenges Reflect on, analyse and understand the implications of the course for practical use in the classroom While working through these objectives, participants will reflect on the role that schools play in supporting girls’ long-term achievements and explore the importance of classroom culture and the value of ethos and atmosphere. They will also have the chance to discuss the vital balance between challenging learners and providing them with confidence, as well as the chance to evaluate and discuss aspects of the course with others who contribute towards shaping learning experiences. As with most FutureLearn courses, this course can be taken for free or there is the option to upgrade to receive additional benefits.

C-Live is the UK’s first virtual reality training which features a classroom environment with pupils

Connect are delighted to announce they are working in association with the Institute for Education at Bath Spa University who will be using C-Live, our innovative teacher-training aid as part of their teacher training programmes from September onwards.  Bath Spa is a teaching-led university, committed to promoting excellence which is one of many reasons why the Institute for Education is one of the highest rated providers of education training in the country.  Benton Brown, Head of Initial Teacher Training at Bath Spa University said, “C-Live gives our Bath Spa teachers the opportunity to enhance their own professional practice in a safe, risk-free yet realistic environment. The flexibility of C-Live allows us to develop bespoke scenarios tailored to a specific trainee’s needs, enhancing the individual support offered across our Bath Spa programmes and courses.” C-Live is the UK’s first virtual reality training which features a classroom environment with pupils who have unique personalities and abilities and respond in real-time to teacher performance. The computer-generated environment allows trainees to practise and perfect their techniques and build their confidence in a safe environment, allowing them to excel in the next step in their career. Susan Day, the founder of Connect felt that there was a gap in the UK market for a training platform that allowed teachers to practise interaction with pupils in an environment reflecting a real classroom experience while also providing the opportunity to tailor-make specific situations.She said, “C-Live is especially effective for teacher training as it can offer consistent scenarios. It is not dependent on student behaviour constantly changing as it does in a ‘real’ classroom, allowing trainee teachers to practise and perfect areas that they might be struggling with.”  If you think your students could benefit from using C-Live as part of their training or you require further information about the benefits of our virtual classroom then please contact us on 01270 449165 or email us  

Five steps to (self-assessment) heaven

AS the FE and wider skills landscape shifts, effective self-assessment and the improvement plan that shakes out from this, is a key Ofsted expectation, says Louise Doyle, a further education consultant and director of quality assurance experts Mesma. Moreover, she says, such good practices allow education decision makers to stay in control while improving education and training provision.   There’s little doubt that many education decision makers see the value of self assessment and improvement planning but in the face of changing college structures driven by area reviews and new entrants to the apprenticeship delivery market, including many who are migratingfrom sub-contracting models to direct contracting with the ESFA, a review of good practice can only be beneficial.    Moving forward to a smarter, more engaging self-assessment environment, an understanding of the requirements of Ofsted is paramount. So it’s a good place to start. In the Ofsted Common Inspection Framework, it’s covered under ‘Effective Leadership and Management’:“Evaluate the quality of the provision and outcomes through robust self-assessment, taking account of users’ views, and use the findings to develop capacity for sustainable improvement.”   And what do inspectors say about self-assessment when it’s done effectively? “Self-assessment leads to quality improvement planning that accurately identifies specific themes. These themes translate into detailed action plans and targets for individual managers and teachers as part of the appraisal process.” And when it’s not? “The report is overly long and too descriptive”…“Managers have not implemented a sufficiently rigorous system to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the provision to allow them to set actions to improve the quality of teaching, learning and assessment.” The evidence is there for those who embrace and engage in effective self-assessment: senior leadership teams stand to benefit from operational and administrative advantages, which can directly contribute to an improved Ofsted. So to help, here are our five steps to improved self-assessment:   • Clarity is critical Document your process in a quick, easy-to-understand diagram and share this with staff so they understand it and their role in its delivery. When does self-assessment take place? Who needs to be involved at which points? How does the timeline sit alongside availability of any data you intend to use as evidence? Critical questions, but you are looking to demonstrate that self-assessment is embedded in your culture.   • Involve others Too often, writing a self-assessment falls to a single person or a limited group of people. While finalising and editing may well need such tight control mechanisms, it shouldn’t be at the expense of involving others who might have something useful to contribute. Failure to do so, risks judgements being made from a too narrow perspective leading to a lack of ownership from those who need to drive improvements. So, involve staff, including support areas, from the outset. Have input from employers and learners in whatever form is realistic. Look to peer review with others outside of your organisation.   Here’s a warning from Ofsted of failing to do so: “Leaders and managers have put into place a comprehensive process to evaluate the provision, which they monitor termly. This has focused managers on the key strategic improvements required, but curriculum managers are not yet routinely able to identify areas for improvement and do not focus enough on improving the quality of teaching and learning. As a result, managers do not secure the rapid improvements required.    • Self-critical Don’t be afraid to be self-critical. An honest report is one way to building a realistic and sensible improvement plan. Ask yourself: is there a risk that sharing weaknesses with an inspection regime will impact on our grade? Being self-critical is crucial. Why? Because if Ofsted identify weaknesses that you haven’t outlined yourself, a credibility gap can open up – doubt is shed on your ability as leaders and managers to have a firm grasp on your provision. Understand what needs to be done to improve it.   • Celebrate success Equally, it is important to share the good practice that exists. So much good work is done throughout the year, which can be difficult to track. To then remember it when you’re writing a self-assessment is a tall order. Capture these examples as they happen. Don’t make a meal of it: A slot on a team meeting agenda or a shared space to allow staff to log examples is all that is needed.    • Use the data wisely We have an enormous amount of data available to us in FE. Self-assessment requires you to focus on the important bits; that which relates to outcomes and progress and the data you choose to use which helps to measure the quality of teaching learning and assessment. Good self-assessment uses the data to inform judgements rather than relying heavily on opinion.The days of seeing self-assessment as a prescriptive tome that distracts from the day job are long gone. In the words of one inspection report let’s avoid reports being ‘overly long and descriptive’. More at or email  

Engaging education: How to harness Virtual Reality (VR) in schools

By Claire Stead, Online Safety Expert at Smoothwall   In 2016, UK schools saw a disappointing decline in A*-C grades at GCSE level, with the proportion of pupils who gained a C grade or above dropping by 2.1 percentage points from the previous year. Furthermore, results from primary schools in 2015 suggest that almost half of all students were failing to achieve adequate levels of understanding and ability in Maths, English and Science. Clearly, this is a huge concern and something very much on the agenda to solve for educational organisations across the country. Moreover, it highlights a major issue, that current teaching methods may no longer be the best and most effective approach for the young people of today. The most successful educational experiences are ones that engage with students’ behaviour. Today’s students are the most technologically engaged and savvy generation there’s ever been, with two thirds of 8-12 year olds now owning a smartphone, and teaching methods need to reflect that. One of the latest pieces of technology does just that, Virtual Reality (VR). It uses a headset to immerse users into an environment or place that they otherwise would be unable to go to. VR enables the user to be contained within the environment, rather than outside looking as with Augmented Reality. Even though the commercial applications of VR are in the realm of gaming, there is certainly the appetite for VR to be used within education to improve the learning experience. Initially you’d expect VR to be only relevant within primary and secondary schools, however it can provide vital training practice within higher education institutions as well. For instance: Design – architecture is one of the best early uses of VR. It allows students to visit and explore a building before any construction actually begins. Coaching talent – it’s widely known that many people learn more effectively by ‘doing’ as opposed to just ‘seeing’ or ‘hearing’. VR gives students the opportunity to experience the activities they are learning about, whether that is conducting surgical procedures, guiding airplane landings or providing simulations of dangerous situations in police/ army training. School trips – VR can enable students to virtually visit locations that they aren’t able to physically, ranging from the Himalayan Mountains to the surface of the moon. Moreover, it can bring to life history lessons, for instance, students can be transported to Ancient Egypt to see how they lived and learn about the early Egyptian civilisation. Attracting students – VR can provide students with the opportunity to attend campus visits who are unable to physically be there, and give them a better feel for the institution. There are already some schools that are already offering virtual campus visits, but this takes the concept a step further by being able to experience the atmosphere. VR however isn’t all about creating an experience. It is also a terrific way to enrich and complement existing teaching methods by helping students visualise, and in turn understand complex subjects and theories. For example, a biology teacher could use the technology to transport students down the path of food through the digestive system. As with all technology, there are road bumps, with price and accessibility being the main concerns. It was recently announced that schools in England are to face real-time funding cuts for the first time in 20 years, and as a result will unlikely have budget available to invest in new technologies. Even if schools do manage to purchase new technologies, it is a lengthy process to train teachers and students how to use the new equipment. VR also presents teachers with a number of hurdles. Firstly, it’s essential that teachers are mindful of the session’s learning objectives and ensure these are effectively communicated to the pupils so they get the most out of the session. If not planned accordingly, it could cause disruption within the lesson as it will be difficult to get the students’ attention when everyone’s wearing the headsets. Also, working in groups can be difficult because the VR experience is something the user undergoes on their own, and even evaluating the experience with the whole group afterwards can be challenging.  Other issues include whether the school is capable of sustaining the technology. For instance, do they have a strong enough Wi-Fi connection and bandwidth to support it, is there space where students can use VR without tripping on desks and is the network security still able to protect against threats? These concerns raise the question whether UK schools are equipped for the 21st century and should prompt school leaders to revisit their long-term plans.  Nonetheless, the positives of adopting this immersive, collaborative and engaging technology far outweigh the negatives. And moreover, the challenges are more teething problems than long-term major concerns. In short, Virtual Reality has the capability to be an invaluable piece of technology to enhance the learning experience. Where possible, schools should be looking to embrace such innovations in the classroom to reengage their pupils.  

Wooden playground equipment and why it is better

The two key components of designing playgrounds is sustainability and safety. When children are playing around them their attentions tend to sway towards how ‘fun’ and interactive they are. So when it comes round to designing the playgrounds sustainability safety and fun must all be equally considered. The development stage Wooden play areas can bring children closer to nature. Made from natural resources such as driftwood and logs and are usually supported by natural landscapes such as small grassy hills and mud floors and these natural attributes remind children of the importance of the outdoors. Playgrounds also help to promote co-operation, teacher interaction, motor and social skills which help to build relationships with others and to promote teamwork, and the wooden playground can help interaction with their natural surroundings. Other features of natural playgrounds can be sand pits, water ways and rocky areas. They are sustainable Wooden playgrounds are more sustainable and recyclable than plastics. Wooden Playgrounds moisture content is under 20% therefore it doesn’t rot, and if properly cared for can last for years. Even though metal playgrounds genuinely last longer they tend to rust and can become dangerous with sharp edges. Wooden playgrounds should be maintained on a regular basis as well as suitable drainage wherever they may be placed. Infinite Playgrounds, designers of natural playgrounds – take recycled timber and make them into natural shapes of the design they want to use. For example, the shape of the logs they use are considered when creating the climbing frames. This is a low-carbon footprint method unlike the metal or plastic frames. Practical and versatile Natural wooden playgrounds are great in helping children develop. This is because they detain ‘risky’ play so children can explore. As well as great traction, the playgrounds don’t become hot to the point of burning in summer and cold to touch on cooler days. They’re also custom-made as they’re designed with the natural environment in mind and whether that be in a National Trust Park or a playground, these structures are perfect for all spaces no matter the shape or size.  Metal playgrounds however, are only able to come in pre-set shapes or designs which make them unsuitable in this sense. Additions can easily be made to wooden playgrounds without affecting their structure unlike metallic playgrounds that may have to be destroyed and rebuilt. With any playground there should always be an attempt to incorporate some natural features and materials, and to make them hard-wearing as well as fun. Wooden playgrounds aren’t just great for the environment, they’re fully customisable, unique and specific to the surrounding environment.