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Understanding Eating Disorders

tastelife Youth Track: Understanding Eating Disorders

A robust, sensitive, high-quality resource for use in secondary schools and youth groups.
The three interactive sessions are designed to equip young people with a healthy awareness and understanding of eating disorders: why they develop, how they affect somebody’s life, and how those battling them can be helped.
Understanding Eating Disorders is educational, but ultimately preventative too. Eating disorders so often begin in adolescence; young people of this generation are facing unique pressures and are falling easy victim to what is becoming a hidden epidemic. The tastelife Youth Track is an innovative way to help teachers and youth leaders tackle this taboo topic, so that young people can be more mentally healthy.

Designed to work within a PSHE context, the three hour-long sessions are accessible for any teacher to deliver, and any student to engage with. It’s suited best for those aged between 11-14 at KS3 but can be adapted to suit older secondary-age pupils. Meeting the PSHE Association’s 10 Principles of Effective Education, as well as covering a range of objectives within its programme of study, this resource enables teachers to deliver relevant, forward-facing sessions that would complement a whole-approach to PSHE.

For £50, each user will be able to download the Youth Track and access:
•    Three detailed session plans for facilitators
•    Three PowerPoint presentations 
•    Video content including real life recovery story
•    Facilitators’ tutorial
•    High-quality worksheets and handouts for all sessions
•    Certificates of attendance for all participants
Our pilot feedback:

From Young People:
‘It has made me understand what eating disorders really are and how they can affect normal people.’Taste Life logo - Understanding Eating Disorders
‘It’ll make me look out for others, to identify and support people with disorders.’
‘I will be more compassionate.’
‘It will give me knowledge for the future so that if me or someone around me was to be ill with an eating disorder, I would know exactly what to do.’
 ‘It will make it easier to talk about eating disorders.’

From Facilitators:
‘Very clear. Could easily be used by any teacher, whether trained or untrained in eating disorders.’
‘The resource appears professional and is presented in an accessible way for young people’
‘The lessons were all very good and informative, the students responded well to them and the PowerPoint was clear and easy to follow…’
‘I could not think of a better resource to educate young people around eating disorders’


View our technical brochures here:

Rompa Catalogue 2025 

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