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The Safeguarding Community: For Everyone, Everywhere Involved in Safeguarding

The Safeguarding Company’s Head of Community Relations, Vikkey Chaffe, explains why she created The Safeguarding Community and the impact it will have for all those involved in safeguarding.  

Vicky ChaffeWhy is there such a need for our “Safeguarders” to connect with each other? 

Working in safeguarding can involve harrowing cases, demanding situations, challenging conversations, and upsetting circumstances. Many Safeguarding leads deal with this alone. We sometimes need a safe space where we can support each other, learn from each other, share our experiences and talk to people who are dealing with the same situations. 

What will the Community look like? 

We have invested in a particular platform to host our community, rather than a free social media platform. We have done this to ensure our community is secure and will allow us to make sure the community has been created to meet the needs of our “Safeguarders”. We will monitor the community and have ground rules so that everyone feels supportive and respected. 

The Safeguarding Community What are some of the features of the Safeguarding Community?

We will have three different rooms for different needs. Our Staff Room: where everyone can ask broad questions and share resources. Our International Room specifically for international safeguarding queries and our Safe Room, with anonymous posting for issues too sensitive and confidential to go in the ‘Staff Room’.

Will people need to pay to join this community?

This community is free and open to everyone involved in safeguarding. We believe that giving you a safe place to communicate will make a significant difference to your wellbeing. There will be free resources and blogs but above all, the ability to connect with others involved in safeguarding.  

Join the community and connect with others involved in safeguarding who understand how challenging safeguarding can be. 

The Safeguarding Company Contact Details 

Telephone: (+44) 0330 6600 757 

Email: info@thesafeguardingcompany.com  

Web: https://www.thesafeguardingcompany.com 


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