Adolescence is a time of important change and development. It is also a time when mental health problems such as depression and anxiety first emerge. During these critical years, mental health issues are a leading cause of falling grades, problems with relationships and substance misuse, often having a lifelong impact. That is why spotting the signs and early intervention are so important.

Schools and colleges are an amazing source of support for adolescents and their families but can also be a source of strain or stress, especially for young people facing challenges with their mental health.
It is important to also recognise, that it is not only students who may need support. For many teachers the day-to-day impact of coping with student relationships, classroom dynamics, co-worker and parent relationships, alongside workload and time pressures, can all lead to physical and mental health issues.
Creating a mentally healthy workplace, where teachers and staff feel supported, is crucial to their professional and personal success and the integral role they play in the development and social, emotional and physical well-being of students.
There is much that can be done to support this approach. From providing awareness training, to implementing youth and adult mental health first aiders, changing policy and taking a whole school proactive approach to mental wellbeing, the outcome is that we keep talking about mental health and ensuring that there is someone there to reach out to, whoever in the school may need that help.
Tim Lloyd RMN – Managing Director
Mindmaps Wellbeing
01803 523 660