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Career advice for pupils interested in animal care

Offering career advice in diverse subjects is not an easy task – particularly in a field as specialised as animal care. We all know you have to be a big animal lover to do the job but this isn’t the only factor – there are many fields of knowledge which pupils may not have considered that are integral to the role. Learning the scientific details of animal care will take a lot of study, but the rewards will be great.

Whether students approach this field through a university degree or learn on the job, they will need to consider the technological and biological side to providing the best possible care for animals, so need to prepare themselves for a lot of hard work! Read on so you can gen up on zooology career advice and help pupils learn about some different elements to working with animals that they may have not yet considered… 

What should I study?

Some important areas of study that will help prepare you for your career are:

• Habitat and acute temperature and humidity control

• Food and medication preparation

• Animal psychological and physical health

Because of this, at school and college you should be prepared the study subjects outside the realms of zoology, such as: career advice for animal care

• Biology

• Anatomy

• Physiology

• Areas that may help with presentation and confidence in public speaking, such as drama, can be a useful secondary subject as you will need to present information and lecture on topics, not to mention communicate well with colleagues and animal owners if you work in the veterinary arena.


Regulating the temperature of habitats

Animals can be extremely picky about the temperature of their home. Without a comfortable temperature, they could have their growth stunted, or worse, could die. One of the many tasks a zookeeper must be able to do is observing animals for signs of heat stress.

As hard as you might try to replicate the outside world, an enclosure in a zoo is never going to perfectly mirror an animal’s natural habitat. The enclosure must therefore be adapted to suit a number of needs, such as humidity, ventilation, and temperature control.

Keeping an eye on health and happiness

Some of the animals that come under your care will inevitably be unwell and unhappy. Sometimes, you will need to care for animals who are in poor health, be it physically or psychologically. This can be one of the more trying aspects of this career, and certainly something you will want to back up with plenty of knowledge and studying.

Being able to spot symptoms — like with heat stress, a zookeeper must know what warning signs to look out for and report them to the necessary veterinarians. At higher levels, zookeepers and animal carers are expected to be able to spot trends in poor health and create a treatment plan.

Administering medication and treatment — adding medication to food may be simple, but there are also much more complex treatments that higher-level zookeepers may need to perform.

More complicated medical procedures — assisting during medical procedures may also be required, such as observing vital signs and handling the animal.


Caring considerations for mammals

Temperature can affect different animal groups in different ways. For mammals, signs of heat stress can be different than with reptiles: they share the panting, but can also become anxious or start to drool.

It can become difficult to regulate temperature when shelter houses have a door open at all times to allow the animals out into their paddocks for fresh air and more space. As well as making heating the house difficult, this can also make it inefficient, as the building will often have the heating running when no animal is indoors to need it. These heaters would therefore be left running 24 hours a day in the winter, regardless of the animal being present to require it. Movement sensors do not help, as the heaters would turn off when the animal settles down to sleep or stops moving to rest during the day.

A more efficient way of regulating the temperature is by using smart-sensor temperature control technology, which senses the presence of body heat from the animal. If the animal leaves the enclosure to head outside, the heating turns off. If it returns in, even if it isn’t moving during rest, the heater will stay on.

The physical and mental wellbeing will be the most important part of your job and understanding how temperature can affect these things I essential. You’ll want to knuckle down on your science studies to achieve this!


Caring considerations for reptiles

Temperature regulation is also incredibly important for the wellbeing of reptiles. Despite loving the sun, reptiles are still susceptible to heat-stress. Symptoms in reptiles include lethargy, lack of appetite, and rapid breathing. Reptiles are very attuned and reliant upon the temperature of their environment. Prevention of heat stress is an important consideration, the installation of a suitable air conditioning unit is a great place to start.

New technology around temperature regulation is being tested all the time in zoos. For example, at Paignton Zoo, they welcomed the public-vote named Khaleesi, a Komodo dragon at the end of 2018. As the largest species of lizard in the world, its temperature and basking needs are a little different. With this in mind, the zoo is using a new heating and lighting system that deploys multiple heat sources and lighting spots with different heat levels emitted. The system allows staff to control the temperature at different spots within the enclosure, encouraging Khaleesi to move around the space throughout the day to gain exercise.


The importance of diet and nutrition

Different food types have varying effects on animals. For example, did you know that while bearded dragons need dark, leafy greens as part of a healthy diet, they shouldn’t be fed spinach — one of the most well-known dark, leafy greens!

The wide range of nutritional knowledge, that you will need to pursue this career include:

How different animals digest food — from a basic understanding to how different animals physically break down foods, to how different foods can change faecal consistency in animals.

What, and how much, food different animals need — from knowing the basic, essential parts of their diet to a more complex understanding of re-formulating diets.

Supplements — from the use of short- or long-term supplements in animals to seasonal use.

Understanding how to use body condition scoring — from observing and recording animal body condition to understanding how their diet can be adapted to change body condition scoring.


Holistic career advice

Clearly, the need to monitor and understand the effect of temperature on animals is crucial for those looking to pursue a career in animal care. It’s not just about understanding the need for animal conservation and protection; students must learn how to provide it.

All of these factors will need to be carefully considered by anyone wanting to embark upon a career in animal welfare. As long as you know your science, and have a true passion for animals, then a career in this field is sure to be full of amazing experiences!

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