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English schools facing a significant rise in water rates

The Coronavirus pandemic has increased the amount of bad debt in the commercial water market.  In April 2022, this cost will be passed on to customers through a temporary price rise.

The commercial water market was deregulated in 2017, allowing schools to choose their water supplier. Until recently, the savings available from switching business water tariffs have been minimal, so the vast majority of schools have continued with the water supplier they’ve always had.

Businesses that have never switched water suppliers pay business water rates on a deemed contract with their default supplier. Default water rates increase each year slightly as the cost of maintaining the water network increases.

April 2022 is different; not only will schools be hit with inflationary increases in the cost of water, but they will also be charged more due to Ofwat’s decision to raise prices.

To avoid the rising cost of water, schools can compare business water suppliers, just like they do with electricity and gas supply contracts.  See how much your school can save today with the AquaSwitch water comparison service.

Here are the other reasons why schools should consider comparing the water market for a better deal:

Are you satisfied with the service of your current supplier?

Billing and charging issues are the most common complaints with business water suppliers.   Some water suppliers take customer services more seriously than others.  See what your options are using the AquaSwitch water comparison service today.

Would you like a more environmentally friendly water tariff?

The treatment and pumping of water around the country is a highly carbon-intensive activity. See if your school can save money and help the environment by switching to a green tariff today.

Save money on water rates.

Schools often pay significant surface drainage charges on their water bills due to the large area covered by schools grounds.  In the deregulated water market, suppliers compete for price.

See how much your school can save today with www.aquaswitch.co.uk

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