Jane Ross, head of public sector at the Zoom video platform, discusses how it’s helping schools both in meetings and…
Jane Ross, head of public sector at the Zoom video platform, discusses how it’s helping schools both in meetings and…
By Adele Abbiss, Online Safety Expert, Smoothwall The 90s – oh what a time to be alive. Great (or not…
Only 38% of headteachers at state secondary schools in England are women, despite the majority of teachers at those schools…
A total of 2.16 million days were lost due to teacher sickness absence in 2015/16 according to the latest statistics…
The correct type of lighting can significantly improve children’s learning, especially if it is natural light, research shows. Full spectrum…
Mark Stevenson, Managing Director of Bright Spark Energy, advises how schools can cut back on their budget by using renewable…
It is surely difficult for schoolchildren and students today to imagine classrooms as they were not that long ago –…
It’s impossible to understate the importance of interactive learning ina school environment, especially as recent developments in technology have, in turn,brought about ground-breaking changes…
In this post, The Present Tree, discuss thoughts on the importance of teacher-parent relationships, and offers some top tips to…