Editor’s blog: It’s time to scrap the one word Ofsted ratings

An inquiry into why teachers are quitting begins on November 14

Its acronym alone can strike fear into the heart of the average teacher. I speak of Ofsted of course – the school inspection regime for England. The system – widely hated by teachers – is being reviewed after headteacher Ruth Perry took her own life shortly after inspection into the leadership and management of her school was dubbed ‘Inadequate’ – Ofsted’s harshest rating following errors with safeguarding training. The school had previously been rated ‘Outstanding’ and a few months after she took her life it was lifted back up to ‘Good’. An inquest later this month will review the specific circumstances of her death but a wider enquiry into Ofsted by MPs on the Commons Education Select Committee began in October. It was launched amid concern that the one-word ratings that Ofsted gives to schools may not be conducive to helping schools improve and in the most serious cases cause significant harm to the mental health of people working in schools. The inquiry is reviewing whether the added workload of preparing for an Ofsted inspection is detrimental to the wellbeing of teachers and school leaders. Lord Jim Knight, a former schools minister in the Blair government, couldn’t have been clearer in his belief. He commented: “We have a whole system that is operating in fear and in stress. Once the Ofsted window opens – that they are going to be inspected in the next couple of years – that massively skews the behaviour of everyone in the system, and I think to the detriment of children’s education.” Also concerning is the evidence that for a significant percentage of schools, a poor rating can leave a school ‘stuck’ – unable to improve – or even deteriorating for years and years. If the stigma of being a failing school prevents a school from ever improving, there is certainly a vicious circle at play. This comes back to the ‘one word ratings’ and the likelihood that being judged as ‘inadequate’ will deter brighter pupils and more able teachers. On the flip side, schools that have narrowly missed a rating often pass the threshold a year or two later thanks to the Ofsted feedback. It is quite a conundrum! Do we have to accept some schools aren’t going to make the grade if we are to have high standards? Statistically speaking it’s a certainty as there’s not much value in engineering a situation where everyone can be considered great. The inspectorate does have to be able to give negative judgements but that needs to be balanced with the capacity or ability of the school to improve based on its resources and other socio-demographic factors. It’s no surprise that wealthy areas tend to have more ‘outstanding’ rated schools. Any teacher that has worked in the independent/private sector will tell you that the children aren’t any brighter, they are just enabled and perhaps, more crucially, expected to do more. Ofsted clearly has no power to raise the standards of parents! A former Chief Inspector of Schools, Sir Michael Wilshaw told the committee he was in favour of scrapping the one word ratings. Sir Michael, who axed the ‘satisfactory’ rating for ‘requires improvement’ as he felt parents were being falsely reassured, said he had been “a big supporter” of one word ratings but wasn’t anymore. “They are not giving parents an accurate picture of what’s happening in schools,” he told the committee.  “It’s providing parents with false comfort.” He went on: “Ofsted says that nearly 90% of schools are good. That’s nonsense. That’s complete nonsense. Having seen some of the schools judged good over the last few years, I would not say [they] were good. “When I’ve been into some of these schools and then I’ve seen the [Ofsted] report, I’ve felt like going to Specsavers and getting another pair of glasses because they were not good and it’s giving false comfort to parents.” Wilshaw also accused Ofsted of moving too far away from data and he said inspection judgments were becoming much more subjective. “We’ve got the ridiculous position of schools with really low progress scores – minus progress scores – and terrible outcomes getting a good judgement.” The committee is also considering the remit of Ofsted amid vast differences in school regulation across the UK and the world – with many countries having no school inspection regime. It has heard that Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland all had less demanding systems that placed more trust in schools to evaluate their own performance. Dr Sam Sims, from the UCL Centre for Education Policy and Equalising Opportunities, questioned the ‘doubling up’ occurring under the English system, in other words the inspectorate reviewing schools’ educational performance regardless of exam results. Dr Sims suggested that the regulator should be more focussed on other performance measures such as safeguarding, extra-curricular achievements and ensuring schools weren’t cutting corners on health and safety and other pastoral matters. So, with all the evidence we see so far it seems sensible to scrap the one word ratings for something more nuanced, but not too complicated for parents to understand. What would you do to reform Ofsted?  Share your thoughts with me via nick@euromediaal.com Read more QA Education blogs by clicking here

Young Tree Champions: Apply now for free trees, tech and support at your school

The Tree Council Young Tree Champions

UK schools can now apply for The Tree Council’s Young Tree Champions (YTC) programme, with free trees and hedgerows, inspirational resources, and lots of support available to develop green spaces – and grant children opportunities to feel connected to nature. Since 2020, The Tree Council’s flagship education programme has worked with more than 400 school and youth groups, planted nearly 12,000 trees and hedgerow whips at close to 300 schools, and engaged almost 120,000 UK pupils in total. The programme speaks to four of the key 21st century challenges faced by schools and school pupils: nature-poor grounds; rising eco-anxiety; a knowledge and skills gap around tree health and horticulture; and limited opportunities to influence positive change, particularly in areas of high deprivation. Richard Pollard is Head of The Tree Council’s National Schools Programme. He said: “It’s so important that young people have opportunities to plant and care for trees, to feel like they are able to make a positive contribution to their environment, and to find the courage to speak up for what matters to them.” Young Tree Champions has a number of entry points, depending on requirements and available resources.  Schools new to the scheme can begin by applying for a Tree Starter Pack, delivering five free trees – including fruit trees – and/or a pack of 60 hedgerow whips, and supported by free, online training around planning, planting and aftercare, alongside access to free teaching resources, and our free, online Schools Hub. The next step up is to apply for a Trees and More Project Pack. Successful schools will receive free trees, technology – such as a microscope camera – and ongoing support to deliver a minimum of four tree-related activities over the year, including tree planting. Young Tree Champion Schools can then seek to achieve Beacon status through the completion of a YTC project, and a subsequent self-assessment that demonstrates the impact of their work and confirms their continuing commitment to trees and nature. Beacon Schools gain access to a Tree Council regional leader; more trees, hedgerow whips and technology; free trips and experiences – and the opportunity to contribute to the touring Force for Nature exhibition. They are also able to influence the wider YTC programme, through the National Forum, and host and lead training events. In total, 15 new Beacon Schools were announced in 2023, located right across the country, from Stirling to Kent, with three schools achieving Outstanding Beacon School Status. Emma Sweeney, at Rolph Church of England Primary School in Clacton-on-Sea, said: “Children and staff are very proud to be an Outstanding Beacon School. “Being part of the Young Tree Champions has enabled our staff, pupils and their families to connect with nature – all children in our school benefit from regular timetabled outdoor learning and forest school sessions.” To find out more about The Tree Council’s Young Tree Champions programme, and to apply for your free trees and tailored support, please visit https://youngtreechampions.org/. The closing date for applications is November 12 2023. Read more QA Education news

Students set to study responsible use of AI alongside A levels

Pearson has launched an 'A-level' about the responsible use of AI

What is true? What is safe? What does it mean for society? Students will now be able to dive deep into key questions surrounding Generative AI in a significant move by Pearson – the world’s leading learning company. For the first time, A level students across the country will be able to study the role and ethics of AI as part of a qualification, critically analysing trending tools like Chat GPT and their outputs while gaining key skills for the future. Available from November, the new learning pathway offered within Pearson Edexcel’s Extended Project Qualification (EPQ), will see students able to lead investigations into the benefits and limitations of Generative AI across a range of real life contexts and interest areas, including: Equivalent to half an A level in size and attracting up to 28 UCAS points, the ‘EPQ:AI’ pathway comes as AI continues to transform workplaces and behaviours. A recent survey revealed that a quarter of UK adults have used Generative AI with many doing so in the workplace, while SnapChat’s AI-powered chatbot is reported to have surpassed over 150 million users this year. Sharon Hague, Managing Director at Pearson – the first exam board to encourage students to study and critique AI in this way – said: “This new pathway is just the first step in our collaboration with learners, educators, families and experts to help today’s students thrive in the AI-driven society of tomorrow. “Generative AI is also impacting learners’ lives today and as such, we believe there needs to be a space for them to critically explore its benefits and pitfalls now. “In our recent Pearson School Report, 9 in 10 students told us that they want to feel prepared for their future in a digital world. “By giving young people the choice to dive deep into AI, we hope they will learn to use these tools responsibly and effectively while gaining vital critical thinking skills.” Representatives from examination boards, including Sharon Hague from Pearson, form a key panel in the newly-created ‘AI in Education’, a not-for-profit, independent body that seeks to ensure that AI can be used in education to benefit students, teachers and society. Sir Anthony Seldon, Head of Epsom College and founder of AI in Education, said: “AI is transforming education and all our lives, and it’s fantastic to see organisations, like Pearson, taking steps to support students navigate this. “There is a real need right now to support AI literacy in schools and help prepare young people for a world where such tools will become commonplace in their personal and professional lives.” 16-18-year-olds who take the EPQ:AI pathway from Pearson will have access to materials that support them to critique Generative AI tools and outputs through the creation of an essay, field study, performance or artefact. Sennen, a student in the South East said: “AI is a big part of our world and experiences already – especially on social media, with loads of young people I know already using chatbots for life advice. “The chance to explore generative AI, especially understanding the risks, using it responsibly and applying what we learn to a project that supports our studies and future careers is really exciting.” Pete Dring, Head of Computing at Fulford School in York added: “Whilst tools like ChatGPT are still fairly new, their impact has already been huge and is growing rapidly: almost every teenager could name someone in their class who has used generative SnapChat AI or Bing to help with their homework. “It’s important that students understand the limitations of such tools and how to use them responsibly.” Support materials are also being provided to teachers alongside the project qualification. The 2023 Pearson School Report found that 1 in 2 secondary teachers expect to see an increased use of AI, like ChatGPT, in schools in the next 10 years, but what shape this will take is the focus of significant debate. Just next week the government is hosting its first AI Hackathon, where teachers and school leaders will explore how AI can be used effectively in education.  Find out more about Pearson Edexcel’s EPQ:AI To read more QA Education news click here

Zellar launches UK-wide programme to help UK schools build and deliver climate action plans

Climate action plans are needed to achieve Net Zero

Zellar, the smart sustainability company, has officially launched its Zellar Schools programme to help 32,000 UK schools take climate action and save costs. Zellar Schools programme will be accessible to all schools in the UK from just £200 a year and is open to sign up today. The launch follows the success of a six-month pilot programme in which over 90 primary and secondary, state and independent schools participated. Zellar Schools programme is powered by Zellar’s digital sustainability platform, which makes it easy for schools to make a start and take climate action. It helps them calculate and understand their carbon emissions and then build an achievable plan to reduce them. Each school gets its own Zellar sustainability score enabling them to monitor and share their journey with teachers, children and parents. Multi-academy trusts (MATs) with multiple schools can use Zellar’s score to track, compare and measure progress across their estate. During the pilot, schools used Zellar to understand their scope 1 and 2 emissions and went on to implement over 350 wide ranging operational changes, from mandating energy checks across the school estate to investing in solar panels. The programme is estimated to have reduced carbon emissions by 3.2t CO₂ and saved £4,923 in energy costs – per school. Zellar Schools supports sustainability leads without requiring extensive time commitments or costly consultants. As well as gaining full access to Zellar’s sustainability platform, schools will receive ongoing sustainability support such as educational and partner content, webinars and demos, community interaction such as networking opportunities and regular communication from the Zellar team. Additionally, Zellar’s programme promotes biodiversity and environmental change while helping institutions meet the Department for Education’s (DfE) requirements for reporting emissions and creating a comprehensive Climate Action Plan. Gary Styles, founder of Zellar commented: “This is an exciting moment for Zellar. We’ve always seen schools as critical to igniting and accelerating community climate action. “Now, with the launch of Zellar Schools any UK school can simply report their emissions and build a climate action plan aimed at reducing them, all for £200 per year. “The programme has already proven to pay for itself with the potential to deliver thousands of pounds of savings across energy, water and waste.” He continued “As well as a practical tool for helping schools to manage sustainability, the platform is full of engaging sustainability projects that can be used to engage, educate and inspire a generation of children around the importance of sustainability and climate action.” Tibshelf Community School, who joined the initial pilot commented: “Zellar has become our school’s sustainability saviour, a one-stop-shop that’s engaged our school around the biggest issue of our generation, focusing our thinking, enabling us to build a tailored roadmap and a step-by-step climate action plan.”   Kate Walsh, school improvement administrator at Oxford Diocesan Schools also on the pilot programme, said: “Having a personalised climate action plan that the whole school community can contribute to will help us to become a sustainable school by saving energy and money, while also giving children an opportunity to make a difference to their world.” To read more QA Education news click here.

Young pupils recovering from Covid learning gap

The Covid learning gap is starting to narrow. Female teacher is teaching shapes to her primary school students. She is asking hem a question and some of the students have their hand in the air to answer.

New research suggests the Covid learning gap suffered by young pupils as a result of the pandemic is starting to narrow. The difference between reading and maths scores of Year 3 and 4 pupils in the 2022/23 academic year compared to those before Covid is smaller than it was. But the gap between disadvantaged pupils and their peers remains wide.   The findings are the latest in a series of reports conducted by the National Foundation for Educational Research (NFER) tracking the longer-term impact of the pandemic on younger pupils’ reading and maths skills.  Published and funded by the Education Endowment Foundation (EEF), the research has followed over 6,000 pupils who were in Reception and Year 1 (four- to six-year-olds) in March 2020, with the most recent assessment taking place in the spring term of 2023 with the same pupils, now in Years 3 and 4.  The study tracks the estimated Covid-19 gap and disadvantage gap over time to gain an understanding of pupils’ attainment relative to where they might expect to be had the pandemic not occurred. Dr Ben Styles, Head of Classroom Practice and Workforce at NFER said: “It is encouraging that three years on from the first school closures, there are real signs of improvement in both the reading and maths performance of Year 3 and Year 4 pupils. Schools have been working tirelessly following the pandemic to put strategies in place to support pupils’ learning recovery.  “Our evidence suggests there should be a greater focus on very low attaining pupils and closing the disadvantage gap. It is essential that schools are both adequately funded and supported to do so using evidence-based approaches. This will be required over the long term.” Covid-19 gap closed for pupils on average in both reading and maths  The new data shows that in spring 2023 there was no significant difference in Year 3 pupils’ reading and Year 4 pupils’ maths performance, compared to the pre-pandemic pupil samples.  For reading and maths, in both Years 3 and 4, the Covid gap significantly reduced compared with spring 2021 and spring 2022.  However, the analysis did show a notable proportion of very low attaining pupils in Year 3 reading, larger than seen before the pandemic (4.9 per cent compared with 2.5 per cent). Disadvantage gap is shrinking, but it remains wider than before the pandemic Year 3 and 4 pupils eligible for free school meals were each estimated to be around seven months behind their more well-off peers for reading in spring 2023. These gaps have not decreased since spring 2021 and remain wider than gaps reported before the pandemic.  Meanwhile, the disadvantage gaps for maths in spring 2023 for each of Year 3 and Year 4 were estimated to be around six months – significantly reduced since spring 2021 but wider than gaps reported before the pandemic. Schools report support for pupils’ wellbeing is still a priority, particularly for disadvantaged pupils The research shows that schools have continued with a number of strategies developed during the pandemic, including increased wellbeing support, and provision for home learning which most schools felt they were able to support well. Schools who reported disruption to learning gave the most common reason as being related to pupils’ behaviour and wellbeing, a much more commonly reported challenge than in previous years of the study. The research also explored pupils’ social skills, behaviour and wellbeing. It found the social maturity of pupils in 2022/23 was not significantly different to that seen in 2021/22. However, disadvantaged pupils were assessed as having significantly lower social skills than non-disadvantaged pupils. Three quarters of schools reported that they were prioritising learning recovery support for their disadvantaged pupils, but schools were concerned about the level of funding to support pupils who had missed learning. To read more QA Education news click here

Managing school behaviour – the power of positive parental engagement

School behaviour

Engaged parents can help schools deliver positive behaviour strategies says Paul Featherstone, former primary school teacher and product manager at SIMS from ParentPay Group.  How often are teachers diverted away from teaching to encourage a group of pupils to stop chatting and focus on their learning or take quick action to prevent a playground altercation from spilling over into a lesson?  According to the DfE’s 2023 National Behaviour Survey, 62% of school leaders and teachers reported that misbehaviour interrupted teaching in at least some lessons and two thirds of pupils had experienced lessons disrupted by poor behaviour. However, families can be powerful allies for tackling issues – parents were described as supportive of their school’s behaviour rules by almost 80% of school leaders.  Engagement with parents can help nip behavioural issues in the bud, whether a school wants to address bullying, low-level classroom disruption or persistent absence.  So, how can schools build stronger home-school connections and supercharge their behaviour management strategies? Spotting the signs If a child is frequently involved in playground frictions or suddenly starts regularly shouting at their peers or teachers, interrupting lesson time, chances are there is a lot more behind their behaviour than first meets the eye.  Small changes in a pupil’s behaviour can be hard for a teacher to spot in a busy classroom. There could be issues beyond the school gates that might shine a light on why they are behaving in a certain way too, that the school may not be aware of.  Nurturing strong partnerships with parents is critical to uncover issues that can impact on pupils’ behaviour and learning progress. They could be upset about a tragic event in the community or anxious about a sick relative and not sleeping at night.  Open and honest communication with parents allows the school and family to work together to put additional support in place where it’s needed. A referral to the school counsellor might be all that’s needed to help the child process what their dealing with and find healthy coping strategies to manage their behaviour and get back on track with their learning.  The way schools communicate with parents is key to creating this home-school partnership. Positive communication Constant letters about their child’s disruptive conduct in class can switch parents off too. Schools that take a more positive approach to communications about behaviour can get parents on side and this is a much more effective way to tackle problems. Imagine a parent’s delight at receiving a text message from school to inform them that their child has just got star of the week or received a top story-teller award. This can brighten their day and allows them to mark their child’s achievement with a treat or reward.  Injecting some positivity into parental communications is more likely to encourage families to reinforce the school’s expectations of pupil behaviour. It will also make it easier to have difficult conversations if needed as the parents are already more engaged.  The method of communication matters too. Research has shown that parents are more likely to read a short text message rather than an email or a letter. And a generic email about the school’s behaviour policy won’t hit the mark as effectively as a communication that is personalised and addresses a situation that needs to be addressed.  Recognise and reward the positive There is often great emphasis placed on recording details of the negative behaviour that goes on in school to help flag where investment is needed to prevent it. This approach has its place, but there can be many advantages to recording positive behaviour and achievement too. If pupils only receive attention from the headteacher for poor behaviour, it can result in anger, disengagement and may even have a negative impact on a child’s self-esteem.  But what if the senior leadership team is automatically alerted when a quiet child has made a positive contribution to a class debate, or a pupil has got a great score in the latest history quiz? They could then spot the child in the corridor and congratulate them for their achievement.  The vast majority of schools already have schemes in place to acknowledge pupils’ achievements and encourage positive conduct on a termly or weekly basis. Being able to recognise and reward positive behaviour and achievement in real time in this way will reduce behavioural issues and help to reinforce the school’s values and ethos. Let tech take the strain Technology can make it easier for schools to engage parents and take a positive approach to behaviour management. Automated messaging tools enable a personalised text message to be sent out to notify a child’s family that they have just received 10 positive achievement points. Automatic alerts can be set up so that notifications arrive directly to staff members’ mobile device when certain criteria are reached too.  Teachers cannot tackle poor behaviour in isolation. With firm foundations for parental engagement and a positive approach to behaviour management, schools can form the bedrock for happier and more productive learning. To read more QA Education blogs click here

How speaking up on a love of languages can support your students – top tips ahead of European Day of Languages

European Day of Languages

As people prepare to celebrate European Day of Languages (Sep 26), the trend in UK schools is that the number of pupils wanting to study a Modern Foreign Language (MFL) is on the decline. But why? As teachers, we are brimming with enthusiasm for learning languages, and recognise their value and importance but do your students feel as positive as you do or are they lacking the confidence and drive to continue their language studies?  Why languages? Communication, culture, connection – language-learning is the key that can unlock the world around us – from intrepid visits to non-English-speaking countries to searching for exciting opportunities in the ever-evolving international jobs market or during interviews in which it’s essential to stand out from the crowd. Perhaps, even, when we find ourselves wanting to transform the way we live our lives altogether. In fact, language skills are highly coveted by most Britons today. According to recent research by Pearson, three-quarters of people who speak one language wish they could speak another. That same research found that 54% of monolinguists have faced difficulties in life as a result of not being able to speak another language, while one in six feel that it has limited their confidence to travel abroad. On the other side of the divide, nearly nine in ten UK adults who speak another language say this has supported them in myriad ways, including understanding other cultures better, increasing self-confidence, and living overseas. As many as 13% even attribute meeting their partner to having knowledge of an additional language! If you know – or are – someone who speaks more than one language, you may be able to attest to these many benefits yourself. If not, role models could be what your school needs to demonstrate to students, and school staff, what language truly offers. Modelling positives “Languages have been an integral part of shaping the person I am today… I enjoy the process of learning them and the world of possibilities it opens up.” This quote comes not from a French teacher or language-focused degree student; instead it’s straight out of the mouth of Tottenham Hotspur and England footballer Eric Dier. In 2023, this talented multi-linguist became a key spokesperson for Pearson’s More Than Words campaign, as he aimed to spread his passion for languages to today’s learners. Speaking at an event at Regent High School, London, Eric shared his experiences. That he was shy when he started learning languages; that he could never have predicted where language learning might lead him; that the skill helps him both professionally and personally, and that he has experienced only positives as a result. He spoke in depth with students, providing real insights they could understand and relate to. The interview and student-led Q&A is available to watch here. There are many other success stories and resources that can help bring languages to life in your classroom. A wide selection of free, downloadable PDFs are available as part of this Real Life series providing great insight from those with successful international careers, past-students enthused to share their experiences abroad, and even current university students on why they chose to continue language learning and the benefits it brings. You never know what brilliant journey their words may kick-start. Boosting confidence As someone who taught MFL myself for 23 years, I can confidently say that it’s when students (and staff!) make those kinds of personal connections that they are drawn to the subject, and start to thrive. By that I mean not only relating to someone who has learned languages before them, but by teaching them MFL through topics that are relevant to their interests and life goals. My own language learning journey started with my wonderful German teacher, when I was 11, who took me on my first exchange trip abroad.  She inspired me to live and work abroad, in several countries, and go on to lead countless trips and visits as a teacher. We still share notes about our love of languages nearly 40 years later! How often are your students completing language projects that relate to their favourite hobbies, sports, people and shows? How clearly can they see themselves needing to use language in the future? How are they practising their skills outside of textbooks and test papers? For many students, it will be a holiday with their family – or perhaps on a school exchange – that makes language learning feel immediate and immersive. As wonderful as these experiences are, it’s also important for schools to think about learners who don’t have the same level of opportunities. How are you bridging the gaps for students who don’t, or can’t, travel abroad? There are many solutions available to help overcome disadvantages in MFL. How about linking up with a school overseas via video calls, emails and letters? Making friendly exchanges possible through the internet in weekly class-based slots? Encouraging conversations – forging new relationships – can help students build both fluency and confidence. Achieving inclusivity is essential. As part of this, it helps to create a teaching space in which learners feel safe. They’re sure to make many mistakes as they go along but errors are an important part of the process of language-learning; as Eric Dier quite rightly said: “I think it’s normal in class to be nervous to put your hand up… but I think it’s really important to be brave and try… With making mistakes, you’ll continue to get better at the language.”  Focusing forward As our world develops in rich and diverse ways, MFL can be a gift that helps learners develop personally too. Meanwhile, the way we speak about languages – the conversations we use to engage our students now and for the long-term – is an important part of our interconnected future.  Let’s get students excited about language learning. Let’s shout about the benefits far and wide, not only in opening doors to future careers and opportunities but the ability to make new friendships and better understand the

RAAC crisis: innovative modular buildings are the solution

Modular buildings are surging in popularity due to the RAAC crisis

With the RAAC crisis causing chaos at schools across Britain, modular classrooms are reshaping the future of education. These highly adaptable architectural solutions are designed to meet the ever-changing requirements of regulations, students, and education facilities. Due to its versatility and flexibility, modular buildings have recently seen a surge of popularity amongst schools.  Additionally, there has been an increase recently as a result of concerns about Raac (reinforced autoclaved aerated concrete), which has been found in over 100 schools and the potential dangers of this concrete has been highlighted. Modular buildings within schools are fast becoming a solution to combat these Raac concerns within traditional school buildings.  In this article, we’ll be highlighting why modular buildings can transform the way we educate children. Traditional educational infrastructure has often struggled to keep pace with the evolving needs of students and educators alike. However, modular buildings present a dynamic solution that not only addresses the challenges of space constraints but also offers versatility, sustainability, and efficiency in educational environments. Sustainability Offsite construction promotes eco-friendly practices by reducing waste and energy consumption. With global warming and climate change gaining more attention by the minute, your establishment must lead by example, rather than just teaching our children about sustainable practices.  The manufacturing, transportation and use of large, heavy machinery contributes to the release of carbon emissions. With modular construction, the need for these elements is no longer required. Consider reducing your carbon footprint by looking into temporary modular building hire.  Rapid deployment Modular construction offers quicker build times, ideal for adapting to changing enrolment or educational trends. Most modular construction practices are carried out in factories, significantly reducing the duration time of traditional construction projects.  Time is of the essence if your school is expanding rapidly. You’ll likely need to accommodate more students at a faster rate, and modular classrooms can help you do just that.  Flexibility Modular spaces often use multi-functional floor plans to easily adapt to evolving curriculum needs and teaching methods. The flexibility of modular construction means that immediate educational requirements can be met, while also delivering significant long-term value. As modular classrooms are a temporary solution, they can be easily moved around should your school need to relocate due to overall growth or to meet the needs of the students.  Cost-efficiency Temporary modular classrooms are a cost-effective alternative to permanent building structures, ensuring your school can meet short-term capacity conditions without the need for large costs.  Controlled environments minimise cost overruns, making budgets more predictable. And,they’re more efficient too, as modular buildings can be delivered and operational all within one week. Technology integration Offsite construction allows seamless integration of advanced technologies for interactive learning, creating an enhanced student experience. Plus, with minimal disruption to learning, your students can embrace creativity, collaboration, and engagement because it’s business as usual.  Adaptable and customisable learning environments With tailor-made solutions for specific educational needs, modular classrooms can be anything from labs to collaborative spaces. They’re designed for all types of learning, with temporary classrooms adhering the to unique needs of specific subjects, including ICT, music, and science. These modern modular classrooms can meet the evolving demands of 21st-century learners. Conclusion The future of education relies on innovative architectural possibilities, and offsite construction is at the forefront of this transformation. These high-quality and inspiring classroom spaces are both comfortable and versatile, ensuring all students can thrive in these environments. Read more QA Education news here

Economic Research Council offers free Econ Club access to all Sixth Forms

Economic Research Council has opened up its Econ Club to all sixth forms

The Economic Council (ERC) has announced that it is opening up its ‘Econ Club’ program to all schools in the UK. The bespoke ‘Econ Club’ program has been developed over the past year as a dedicated space for in-depth economic discussion and learning in a bid to serve as a transformative educational platform for sixth form pupils. The ERC – the UK’s oldest economic focused think tank – said its objective was not just to supplement education but to become an indispensable part of it, driving real, meaningful change. It has now confirmed that it is excited to be able to offer this for free to all sixth forms across the UK. Founded in the 1930s, the ERC’s mission is to make economic knowledge accessible, fostering understanding and informed decision-making. The ERC’s dedication towards economic education, dialogue promotion, and the inclusion of diverse perspectives, creates opportunities for active participation in economic conversations. The ERC’s goal to improving the life chances of children and young people through economic education is manifested in their diverse activities focusing on economic literacy. The ERC forges connections with schools and universities, offering real-world work experience, and sharing their research and policy studies with the world. These initiatives cultivate a deeper understanding of economics across different age groups and backgrounds. David Dike, Programme Director, ERC, commented: “The Econ Club is more than just an educational supplement; it’s an enriching experience that opens new doors for students from all walks of life. “By breaking down economic barriers to access, we’re investing in a more equitable future where young people across the UK can make better-informed decisions. “Whether it’s understanding the complexities of monetary policy or diving into pressing topics like climate change, we’re equipping the next generation to be thoughtful contributors to our world’s economy.” The Econ Club programme provides unparalleled access to the country’s greatest economic minds with former speakers including Sir Vince Cable, Dame Margaret Hodge, Ehsan Masood, Rain Newton-Smith, Sir Charles Bean and Ben Gardiner. This access enables the ERC to offer diverse perspectives, promoting a pluralistic understanding of economics that goes beyond traditional classroom teachings. Students exposed to these ideas gain a more nuanced, real-world understanding of economic theories and practices. Umar Ba, UCL Academy: “The Econ Club programme allows teachers to provide opportunities for students to see real-life, up-to- date application of theory and policy being used to solve different issues. “It has potential to be high impact and low input from the practitioner’s perspective.” The need for the Econ Club is immediate and vital in today’s complex economic landscape. Economics teachers work incredibly hard up and down the country ensuring their students are not only prepared for their A-level examinations, but for life ahead. Traditional curricula often does not cover the practical complexities and real-world implications of economics, leaving a gap in students’ understanding. The Econ Club fills this gap by offering targeted events for 6th form students, going beyond textbooks to delve into current events, nuanced theories, and critical evaluations of economic paradigms. More than just a supplement, the program serves as an extension of classroom learning, providing students the chance to interact with professionals in the field. In a world where financial literacy is crucial, the Econ Club stands as an essential educational resource. It not only equips students with valuable knowledge but also empowers them to be informed, active citizens. To find out more head to the ERC website https://ercouncil.org/ and to sign up for free please contact the Economic Research Council info@ercouncil.org To read more QA news click here