“Action To Prevent Suicide CIC Believes that Good Mental Health and Suicide Prevention can be supported by all”
Suicide Kills over 800,000 people every year it is not a Virus.
At time of writing this we have a pandemic. As it passes we can respond with insight & kindness. We are a training consultancy and support service, specialising in Suicide Prevention, intervention and postvention services .We also promote good mental health and wellbeing initiatives including mentoring, staff support and supervision.
We offer a range of internationally recognised programmes as well as bespoke packages to suit your needs. Our courses include Lifeline Workshop Inc, The ASK Workshop for those who live and work with children of 5-14, LivingWorks’ safeTALK suicide alertness course for everyone working with ages 15+ and ASIST applied suicide skills intervention training regarding
ages 16+.
We have also developed a range of responsive and collaborative partnerships which can respond to your organisation’s needs.
Our network of registered trainers and specialist advisers are drawn from a range of diverse backgrounds including teaching, psychology, social work, trauma-informed specialists, Ofsted, counselling, creativity and technology.
We aim to address the issues of now that are affecting educational systems our children/young people and broader society.
Action To Prevent Suicide CIC will support you in developing compassion, acceptance, respect and empathy (CARE) and the ability to respond.
E: Info@actiontopreventsuicide.org
W: www.actiontopreventsuicide.org
T: 01803226227
M: 07528241400