UNICOL’s Principal Teaching Aid Desk provides lecturers or speakers with a central desk facility where they can control content, screen/projector sources, audio/lighting levels and more. With illuminated branding, the desk becomes the focal point for students. The table top is designed to ensure that staff don’t need to overstretch when reaching for the control housing, giving them the freedom to control projectors, lighting, content and audio from the comfort of their seat. Available in three widths it offers maximum teaching space and is ideal for wheelchair users where mobility and access to AV controls is crucial. All widths have been developed with motorised desktops for standing or seated teaching. Designed and manufactured in-house, with a rapid turnaround time of 10-15 working days.
One of the key features of the Principal Desk is its ability to raise and lower at the push of a button. For staff that want to stand, especially those who have been sat teaching, marking and lecturing all day/week, the Principal provides them with the ability to adjust the desk to a height that is most comfortable for them – whether standing or seated. This is also beneficial for wheelchair users who need the desktop at a certain height. The two larger Principal Desks are DDA compliant, giving wheelchair users and more, the ability to teach comfortably and efficiently, without reducing mobility or causing strain.
Additionally, the table top is completely custom built to suit the needs of each room, theatre or company. Current renditions include; visualiser, control panels, computer screen arms, control housings and any cut-outs the customer may want within the wooden top. Giving each education establishment the ability to vary what features appear on each desk enabling them to get the most out of the room and the desk. It provides them with a solution that best suits them and their needs regardless of the venue.
Once installed, the Principal desk can be easily utilised by technicians, lecturers and integrators alike. The modular build allows panels to be removed and replaced without having to replace the whole product or have it taken from the venue for repair. IT Technicians are provided with suited keys that work for the desk locks along the front, back and to the hinged wooden top, giving them access to all areas of the desk should a technical problem arise.